Tips4y joins the Blue Flag in a social responsibility action

Positive Impact

  • June 23, 2022
  • 7 MIN of Reading

  • Proceeding our underlying social responsibility purpose of the brand Positive Impact we gathered the Tips4y team to, once again, help us take care of the Planet, at the same time that we are inspired to be better in awareness about the challenges of sustainability, and with that create more value for the Community (People).

    We were in Costa da Caparica collaborating on the Programa Bandeira Azul– educational initiative for sustainable development, promoted in Portugal by the Blue Flag Association of Europe, as the Portuguese branch of the Foundation for Environmental Education.

    In 2022, the celebrations of the 35 years of this Blue Flag Program, with the motto “Help the Sea to Tell Another Story”.

    It is precisely this help we also want to give to the sea so that it can always have inspiring stories to tell to all those who wish contribute with its cause for the sustainability of the sea, in particular, and of the Planet as a whole.

    "The Marine Litter, present in all seas and coastal areas of the world, constitutes a threat to human health, wildlife, and ecosystems."

    These residues can have different dimensions and take hundreds of years to degrade. Land activities currently represent 80% of the sources of this marine litter, with fishing, navigation, tourism, and sanitation being the main contributors to this threat.

    All of us contribute to this scourge, but we can all help to stop it by changing behaviors and choosing responsible and sustainable solutions." (in project "Cleaner beach with...", Blue Flag Program).

    Tips4y joins the Blue Flag in a social responsibility action

    The Blue Flag Association announced on April 28 that 393 Beaches (spread across 102 Municipalities), 18 Marinas, and 20 Ecotourism Vessels were awarded the Blue Flag by the International Jury in 2022, in a total of 431 flags awarded, representing 32 more than last year.

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    Over these 35 years, the Blue Flag has helped educate for sustainable development in coastal, river, and lake beaches, recreational ports and marinas, and recreational and ecotourism vessels through a set of criteria related to:

    • Information and Environmental Education

    • Bathing Water Quality

    • Environmental Management, Safety and Services

    • Social Responsibility

    • Community Engagement

    • Protection of Ecosystems

    We want on this Blue Flag anniversary to also contribute to the dissemination of its important mission to take the sustainability of our Sea as far as possible.

    We know that our gesture is small in the much that still needs to be done, especially in changing consciousness and behaviors in society regarding the production of marine litter on the beaches of our coast, but the conviction that we are contributing to this change is enormous.

    Do not litter on the beach. The planet thanks you!

    Through its mission Positive Impact wants to contribute to a more sustainable world - find out all about the commitment and ambition that drives and inspires us, as well as the projects and initiatives involved, in our Social Responsability area.

    Tips4y joins the Blue Flag in a social responsibility action