Positive Impact: Tips4y's humanistic vision for a more sustainable world

Positive Impact

  • October 20, 2021
  • 14 MIN of Reading

  • Through its mission "Positive Impact a Tips4y aims to create value for the planet, for the community, and above all for people. These three axes represent the institutional reference triangle underlying Tips4y's social responsibility strategy.


    As part of the actions undertaken in each pillar, Tips4y aims to bring together people, external shareholders and the entire community in which it operates, in order to help build a greener, fairer and more inclusive future. Susana Barros, responsible for implementing the company's Social Responsibility project, tells us about the main results achieved.

    And what was truly possible to achieve?


    What motivated the team the most in this project was bringing a purpose lived by everyone in the organization, where everyone genuinely engaged with concrete actions in any of the proposed areas. It was not intended to have a social responsibility project that was a cliché, a "just for show".


    The year 2021 is marked in the history of Tips4y by the “making it happen” in this mission together with different NGOs, where the company met incredible people who are dedicated to fantastic causes and for whom we have immense pride and enormous admiration.

    The planet thanks you. It's necessary to act!

    The planet thanks you. It's necessary to act!

    We were fascinated by the knowledge of the young people of the organization Plant a Tree, many of them foreign volunteers, who are dedicated to environmental causes and fight for a more sustainable planet. These volunteer missions that involve the community should be part of any school program, so that young people get involved in these actions early and understand that it is not enough to respect, it is necessary to act!

    In our first acacia clearing mission at Parque Natural Sintra-Cascais, we managed to create space to plant almost a thousand plants.

    When the difference is not seen, talent is inclusive!

    When the difference is not seen, talent is inclusive!

    We want to greatly thank the humane and unique way that has always united us with the association's project Village With Life, who strives with so much love and dedication to integrate young people with some intellectual disability into the labor market, giving them a life mission through an innovative and inclusive model.

    We managed to realize the dream of a young photographer and we are now enhancing the talent of another young person in the IT area.

    And if Grandma comes to work?

    And if Grandma comes to work?

    Talking about young people, the association The Grandmother Came to Work is the most exciting project where age is just a number because these grandmothers are a life lesson and inspiration for younger generations. A huge thank you to the fabulous team of professionals who are the driving force of this association where the talent of the grandmothers is valued with great affection and transformed into fantastic projects.

    Our picnic blanket was the first embroidery work done by the grandmothers and it turned out simply beautiful! We perceive this uniqueness of a handmade work and the love they put into each piece they produce.

    Catarina's dream has come true!

    Catarina's dream has come true!

    Finally, a big affectionate hug to all the excellent professionals of the association Make a Wish that get truly excited about fulfilling the wishes of children with serious illnesses between 2 and a half and 18 years old. We embraced this cause and in addition to all the donations raised, Tips4y committed to donating 1 Euro for each 100 plate numbers sold in the month of June.


    We got the necessary amount and fulfilled Catarina's wish, who received her guitar and made us very happy with her testimony: "For me, this day was an incredible day! It was exciting and when I received the guitar I felt enormous happiness. I loved it and I am loving learning to play the guitar because I feel that I am always improving and getting to know new things about music. I enjoyed every moment, thank you very much!" — Catarina, 17 years old.

    For a more sustainable future


    CSR policies should not be limited to the internal activities of companies. It is essential that they also exert their influence in the community to mobilize resources from customers, suppliers, etc. and build partnerships and collaborative ecosystems around the SDGs, using the strengths of various parties to solve concrete problems in an integrated and innovative manner.

    Faced with social and environmental challenges, companies need to reflect their concerns with external partners and inspire employees as internal partners for the planning of sustainable management, evaluating their long-term development strategies.


    Through its mission "Positive Impact" Tips4y wants to contribute to a more sustainable world.