Prepare your workshop for 2023 based on 5 key factors
The start of a new year implies a greater concern for companies looking to their future over the next 12 months, which are expected to be very challenging given the current national and international context.
This is the ideal time to reflect deeply on the future of your workshop and analyse the management of your business based on 5 key factors:
1. Am I comfortable with the image I transmit of my workshop?
2. Do I have effective ways of communicating with my customers?
3. Is the workshop's equipment suitable for the latest vehicle technology?
4. Is my team able to deal with any request according to their technical knowledge?
5. Do I have the tools needed to offer an agile customer service or service booking?
Prepare your workshop for 2023 based on 5 key factors /en/blog/prepare-your-workshop-for-2023-based-on-5-key-factors
The 5 key factors:
Prepare your workshop for 2023 based on 5 key factors /en/blog/prepare-your-workshop-for-2023-based-on-5-key-factors
Prepare your workshop for 2023 based on 5 key factors /en/blog/prepare-your-workshop-for-2023-based-on-5-key-factors
Prepare your workshop for 2023 based on 5 key factors /en/blog/prepare-your-workshop-for-2023-based-on-5-key-factors
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