DataRepair the technical repair support line based on knowledge and innovation
Released in the end of 2022, DATAREPAIR – Technical Repair Support Line is already in full operation and the first results at this stage are very promising for its future strategy.
This service's mission is to work closely with workshops as a reference partner in technical information in order to achieve the following major GOALS:
1. Provide a solution to solve current technical challenges;
2. Facilitate vehicle maintenance and repair;
3. Reduce the retention time of each vehicle;
4. Make the workshop space more profitable;
DataRepair was developed to provide a solution to the main technical problems faced by car repair professionals in a context of enormous complexity due to technical developments, as well as enormous demands on the skills and knowledge required to provide the best service.
According to the McKinsey study ‘Ready for Inspection - The Automotive Aftermarket 2030’, the diversity of vehicles and the various types of diagnostics are putting more and more pressure on workshop operations, along with customers' higher requirements and expectations.
This study goes even further, indicating the need for a new wave of workshop professionalisation through the development of new technical skills and forms of collaboration with ecosystem partners to manage emerging challenges.
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Workshops survey
It is worth noting in this context that in the most recent survey done to workshops and conducted by the "Pós-Venda" magazine, around 36% provide from zero to two trainings a year, despite the constant advances in automotive technology.
Invest in knowledge and innovation
DATAREPAIR arrives on the market precisely to cover these gaps and increase the professionalisation of diagnostics and technical service, through a direct contact line supported by advanced data analysis technology with the collaboration of TecRMI Expert Support in Germany.
Tips4y also intends to invest in the generation of knowledge from the experiences of DataRepair cases, which will enable to design new solutions for the aftermarket based on innovation.
Based on the cases received, it will be possible to determine, among other things, the most common repair services or the most frequent technical problems as well as their impact on the different brands of the car parc.
This range of knowledge will be fundamental to design future services, considering that DataRepair already provides access to a vast database of car manufacturers and parts manufacturers to typify breakdown codes, repair instructions and more than 300,000 validated cases to identify and solve problems.
For these reasons, it is a service that has been strategically designed to increase the quality of repairs and, consequently, the level of satisfaction of workshop customers, who face the vehicle repaired with the utmost convenience.
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Subcontracting is also planned for parts distributors, workshop networks and roadside assistance companies, among others, where the service can even be customised on behalf of the customer.
By contracting DataRepair, the companies themselves will be able to benefit enormously from access to information on registered requests and therefore work with the knowledge extracted from this data, which can be used, for example, to reinforce technical qualification in certain situations or identify new points of intervention.
DataRepair customers will be able to register their maintenance jobs in the DSB (Digital Service Book), specifically for brands that already offer this possibility.
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