DataRepair, the new image of the technical support line for automotive repair from Tips4y


  • May 28, 2023
  • 5 MIN of Reading

  • DataRepair is the new brand of the service of Technical Support for Automotive Repair and Maintenance from Tips4y, with a modern image and appropriate to the main differentiating criteria of this service.

    Tips4y, as a technology company with an innovative character in the solutions it offers to the automotive market, felt the need to develop a visual identity for this service consistent with its positioning and business strategy.

    The brand DataRepair brings a very unique identity to the service with a very balanced connection to the "parent" brand Tips4y. The entire careful selection of attributes aims to reflect a modern, professional, and visually attractive character, as well as the company's innovation and excellence.

    The concept underlying the creation of this identity is based on various elements that, in synergy, represent the brand's commitment to the market and its professionals, who seek ease of access; innovation in meeting needs; efficiency in the level of service; and flexibility in the degree of convenience with which it can be requested or contracted.

    DataRepair, the new image of the technical support line for automotive repair from Tips4y

    DataRepair, the new image of the technical support line for automotive repair from Tips4y

    The concept of the DataRepair™ brand


    Represents the “sound wave”, a symbol that promotes communication, in a fast and dynamic style


    TIt conveys modernity combined with innovation, based on simplicity


    Promotes confidence and closeness, inspiring knowledge and prioritizing each person as unique

    A service that is increasingly innovative and distinctive

    The DataRepair™ allows supporting workshops in the repair of light vehicles, in an agile and swift manner, through technical information and knowledge from the Tips4y team of specialists.

    This service can be subscribed to through a monthly or annual license, but it can also be used via a package of assistance requests, and also be included in the DataDrive platform.

    The DataRepair™ emerges as an extremely effective service in supporting the maintenance and prevention of the intervened vehicles, as well as in the loyalty of workshop customers, due to the enormous quality and speed of its processes

    DataRepair, the new image of the technical support line for automotive repair from Tips4y

    Envision the future of your business with Tips4y's innovative solutions!

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