Plate Number Search - innovates in the digital transition of automotive business
Tips4y has been ensuring an annual volume of over 8 million queries through the service Plate Number Search, allowing many professionals in the aftermarket automotive market to digitize operations, innovate in sales channels, connect value chains, and promote customer relationships.
Plate Number Search is the gateway to innovation for a whole set of processes that aftermarket companies adopt internally in their operation and reality, in a unique, personalized, and differentiated way.
The trend leaves no doubt and according to IDC, in 2021, at least 30% of the national economy will be digitized. In addition, there is the profile of a consumer who increasingly uses online shopping beyond essential consumer goods. The weight of online shopping on the total of electronic payments went from 10% to 18% between the 1st and the last lockdown, which shows that this shopping profile is here to stay.
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This evolution follows the current market expectation, as according to a Gfk study produced at the end of 2020 about the "New Digital Challenges", more than half of the surveyed managers want to improve their company's processes through digital transition.
Factors such as speed, efficiency, and reliability have gained new importance for the current and future context of the sector, where it has become essential to act instead of react to overcome the constant challenges of change from customers.
A Plate Number Search is a simplified consultation service that demonstrably allows to circumvent various problems in business management and especially in the close relationship with the customer:
Aspects such as waiting time – whether in service (in-person or online) or vehicle pickup – and the estimated immobilization period will be increasingly less tolerated by customers who are typically demanding, informed, and quick in decision-making.
The adoption of these new habits places enormous pressure on the entire business of maintenance, repair, or sale of parts.
Aware of this reality, Tips4y actively develops innovative solutions so that these professionals can respond to different scenarios that improve the efficiency and profitability of operations.
It is in this sense that the Plate Number Search and the remaining auto data solutions from Tips4y are widely advantageous, creating differentiation in business and promoting innovation with dynamics that bring customers closer to companies, increasing levels of satisfaction, retention, and loyalty. And all this obviously with an impact on business and its profitability.