Tips4y an academy of talent and success
"If you don't know where you're going, any road will do"
This popular quote suggests several reflections and one in particular is about our purpose: What do we want to achieve? What is the true impact we want to generate? What is the path to achieve it?
When companies say hey have a clear purpose through their mission, they need to know what legacy they intend to leave, and where they want to go.
Tips4y founders, have a very clear ideia of their company's purpose in terms of culture, totally centered on their people, their well-being, and their development.
In this context, the company has launched a Mentorship Program, where Tipstors voluntarily indicate the areas of mentorship they are willing to offer, as well as those they wish to receive, creating an opportunity to develop talent.
This initiative promotes the exchange of experiences and knowledge, generating in the company an academy of talent where everyone gets involved in a genuine and constructive way.
When a Tipstor completes a training, he also shares that knowledge with the entire team, ensuring that best practices are at the service of everyone in mutual and constant learning.