Tips4y bets on a "Marketing-Driven Organization" culture
Aware of the importance that the strategic function of marketing currently represents for organizations preparing their future in a world full of challenges, Tips4y promoted a training session for the entire team based on the concept "We are all marketers."
Marketing Driven Organization training coordinated by André Zeferino
This initiative provided an inspirational and at the same time actionable session on the strategic importance of this area, while a management competence that serves all aspects of the Organization.
The purpose of this strategic action is based on the concept that we are all marketers
aims to provide principles and practical foundations on the role of Marketing in business strategy to stimulate a "Marketing-Driven" attitude in each employee.
In times of rapid changes in the business world, the role of marketing became more complex and demanding due to the introduction of new variables in the markets.
These new variables are related to behavioural and instrumental changes and put pressure on marketers in terms of their knowledge and decision-making, forcing a considerable improvement in management practices in all functional areas in order to understand the value of the phenomenon itself.
This concept that we all are Marketers forces a new mental attitude that extends to the entire organization, influencing all employees, regardless of their internal skills, to know how to think about marketing.
“There is a joint and engaging responsibility throughout the entire value chain.”
Positioning itself as a technology startup focused on bringing innovation to the aftermarket sector, while also participating in the construction of the future of mobility, Tips4y always valued its teams, so that they can take advantage of the most suitable skills in the face of the challenges of this sector and all related industries.
The "Marketing-Driven" mindset
Although Marketing is still often positioned as a "Department," any performance indicator in the business related to the product or service involves practically all functional areas, whether administrative, operational, etc.
By rooting this new culture, Tips4y reinforces its mission to serve all customer touchpoints – administrative, operational, commercial, and development areas – in consistent alignment with its values, empowering the entire organization to use a wide range of marketing tools for its functions, projects, and initiatives.